Design Terminology
COPY: The text that resides in the layout of a design. Sometimes referred to as body copy. A request could be "I need copy for that headline" or "send me the body copy for paragraph 2 please"
CONVERSION: This term refers to digital acquisitions of click conversions or can refer to an online sale made.
CREATIVE BRIEF: A document that contains the key details of an assignment or project that a designer should know before starting any creative work.
ESCAPE HATCH: A universal link in the UI navigation design taking the user back to the "home" screen.
ENGAGEMENT: Any contact that a person/user has with a brand. This can be through all kinds of advertisements, word of mouth, instore displays, customer service, website etc.
GLOBAL NAVIGATION MODEL: In UI design, it is the concept that the user can use a consistent navigation system across all pages of a website or app leading them to every from every page and an escape hatch to reach back to and familiar central location such as a "home" screen.
GREEK TEXT: Lorum Ipsum as it is also referred to (which is actually Latin!) Use this filler text as a place holder for copy that is coming to you. Greek Text is used in wireframing and preliminary designs to get a good feel for the layout of text and graphics. Greek text can be used for headlines and body copy.
NATIVE FILE: Is the production file that is created by the software that is being used.
For example .PSD, .AI, or .AEP are all native files.
PERSONAS: Are made-up characters that model a user, target market, or any demographic you wish. These characters have names, personalities, and any attribute you wish to give them to give insight into their engagement with a product.
PRODUCT: A final deliverable to be used by a consumer. This includes digital products like websites, apps, or any interactive document.
PROXIMITTY: Items close together are likely to be perceived as part of the same group — sharing similar functionality or traits. Alignment of 2 or more objects should also be intentional
TOUCHPOINT: A user or customer's tangible interaction with a brand, product, or service. For example a social media ad, the product on the shelf, traditional advertising like a billboard or magazine ad.
UI DESIGN: User Interface design is a job in which the principles of graphic design are applied to the design of an interface to make a product functional and usable for all purposes intended. Digital products, such as websites, apps, touchscreens, etc. all require an interface design so that the user can navigate successfully through interactive media.
UX DESIGN: In reference to digital products (web, apps, touchscreens, etc.) User Experience design is a job that analyzes users' patterns and behaviors to give thoughtful and effective creative direction to the UI design.